
homos in Church, Amen.

okay, so I've tried the whole blogging thing a few times before, hoping that i too would become an overnight sensation and get alot of free tickets to fabulous events and alot of free wine and free friends and free fame but this is not one of those blogs. I intend on making this Blog nothing but a pit latrine for my shitty opinions about shitty life experiences and a dancefloor for my red-rihanna-weave of a mindset, who knows who might relate to my nonsense and end up sharing my pit latrine? Anyhooo, lets not waste anymore time and get to the point. Here's Nondindwa's first Diary Entry. enjoy!!

Dear Diary

last year my sister Candidate and I decided that we were going to wear man-skirts to the end of year fashion show at the University of Jwanisburgh to express our love for the androgynous trend that took South African fashionistas by storm. I, being the one with a more severe madness, decided I'd wear a long, pleated black skirt, a black shirt with ruffles and a priest's collar. I ended up looking like a gay priest and that is where my fascination with the idea of an existing gay priest began.

Christians, especially Catholics, are infamous for being one the most intolerant religions towards homosexuality, calling it a "sin" in the eyes of God etc. so i wouldn't blame you if you thought a gay catholic priest could not not exist, i thought so ,too. Think again. After my tragic move back to my village in KZN early this year, I have observed alot of gag-reflex-inducing realities that left me feeling sad. My family is Catholic and i am expected to be Catholic as well so i attend Church every single sunday (well maybe I've bunked a few times)and i couldn't help but notice the Priest's effeminate gestures that made my gaydar beep itself to sef-destruction, i dont think it is okay to assume somebody's sexual orientation just by the way he/she acts, sexuality goes deeper than that but i think (and i think most of you will agree)it is true most of the time. After church my heterosexual friend raised the topic as if he were reading my mind and, to my surprise, three other guys said they noticed the same thing.a few months later i was forced to go to one of those youthday church marathons where i encountered more than a dozen young men of my age who would, in gay terms, qualify as "fairy",most of them had high positions in the church and solos in the church choir and would probably be Priests in a few years time. That made me wonder how it would make me feel to be in their shoes and it dawned on me that if i hadn't gone to study in Jo'Burg ,which is where i was exposed to a more tolerant and progressive social environment, i would probably be like that. My community, like most rural black communities, is homophobic and it is almost impossible to live an open life without dealing with social rejection or worse, rejection by your family. It then became clearer to me that, in a rural, homophobic, catholic and depressingly conservative community being a Priest is a convenient sacrifice. firstly, you wont have to explain to people why you have never had a girlfriend. secondly, you will be embraced by people who would have probably rejected you if you decided to live the truth. thirdly, you will live a comfortable life in a convent with a nunery of fag hags! the list of social bebefits is endless but it comes with an emotional sixth toe that cannot be cut.that's just my opinion, everybody has the right to Jesus, gay or straight and i am not saying my reasons are real, maybe gay people genuinely have a thing for the Catholic Religion.

Oh but wait! my Grandad has requested that i attend a 5 day workshop in Richmond to become a priest(what is the universe telling me? was that outfit the beginning of something beyond me?). one of my acquaintances thinks it's a great idea because he has never seen me with a girl therefore i qualify, maybe my feminine nature was the reason my grandfather chose me.i dont know. hmmmmm.. . . let me see, wearing a dress without getting nasty remarks sounds fabulous plus I'll get to be the boss of straight men(how tempting)and THE HAGS!! . . . sigh. . My answer is NO. I will not be the boss of a religion that does not accept my people and i definately wont preach against myself.

Amen Lundi
Amen Dr LOve
Amen Nondindwa.


  1. totally amazing nondindwa.......with your red-rihanna-weave mindset (dont know if i got that right) hahahahaha.......please do keep up with this blog I lovIes it-can't wait for the next instalment-n please tell the villagers that the bible came on a boat........
    xoxo khethiwe

  2. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! But then again, I love just about all of the entries you've posted. I love your mind, I love yor creativity, I love your fearlessness to delve into the most sensitive issues. And I love your Red-Rihanna-weave mindset. I wish you nothing but mind-blowing kisses and orgasms!!
