

"it's a girl!". Those are usually the words uttered by new parents who couldn't afford an ultrasound after they see the innocent slit in between the newborn baby's thighs. The newly born future woman will be named Matlakala or after her mom's madam, Meredith or maybe Mbali or even Mlungu if she's a light-skinned blackgirl, it all depends on whatever her parents can pull out of their overjoyed (or frustrated) asses. Matlakala will be dressed in pretty pink and other typical "girly" colours, she will learn how to say Mama or Tata if she's lucky enough to know her father, she will learn how to decapitate Barbie and how to sit without exposing her vagina when she's wearing a skirt. Her parents will send her to school where she will be teased for being fat, being an albino, being darker than dark or for having old school shoes. She will fight to play the Mother role in the game of "house" (we all know what goes down when kids play house). A few years later she will go to highschool where she'll learn about dick and menstruation in life orientation. She will start to notice that boys pay more attention to girls who look like the doll she beheaded when she was three years old and she will stuff her bra with toilet paper until God blesses her with breasts-the beginning of her blackgirl problems. Her mother will pass down her knowledge of domestic skills, female etiquette and all the crap she was taught in this male dominated world. She will get into trouble for sitting in the front seats of taxis and wearing short skirts. She might start dating boys or girls or older men or even her Life Orientation Teacher who will gladly offer her pre-marital sex orientation. Soon that innocent, gender defining slit inbetween her thighs will host the dicks of the unfaithful, the insecure and the abusive or maybe she'll take the dreaded route of celibacy. Who knows? She will matriculate and graduate and the real world will hit her like the sweet scent of armpit atchar, the realities and pressures of womanhood will become vivid to her. She will watch her butch lesbian friend raise the son she concieved behind a shebeen toilet during a correctional gang rape. She will see 15 year old girls being "THWALA'd" by traditionalists with a self-esteem as small their penises. She will buy loreal foundation for her friend with a blue eye. She will bury her friend who died of Aids even though she was faithful throughout her marriage.
I hate sounding like a soul city omnibus but i can't ignore that part of my vagina! Women are too "GOD" to be facing so many blackgirl problems and I applaud them all for rising from the ashes and building loving homes regardless of the darkness they face everyday.

I'd like to thank Somizi, Iko Mash, Odidi, Dj Tira and Lundi for being the tenacious, influencial and powerful women that they are. They have been a big inspiration in my life.
Happy Women's Month.


  1. This is powerful n true!

  2. Lol, such a weak juvenile stab at supposed and legitimate social ills.
    Lol, blaming the world because you cant keep your legs closed lol.

  3. anonymous, you are what is known in sociological circles as a piece of shit. Fokof
